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30 Aug

People Helping People

Michelle Shine / Be Empowered

Everywhere you look, people are helping people.

Look around and see for yourself.

You see someone opening the door for someone, a person slowing down to let someone in to traffic, someone sharing food with another, giving a helping hand, helping a friend move, offering hugs when someone’s feeling down. You see people flocking to Standing Rock to protect water for the people, flocking to help out with Hurricane Harvey flooding, people donating money to all sorts of worthy causes. This is a very short list of all the help and kindness going on.

There are 1.5 million nonprofit organization’s in the US, over 1 million of them are public charities designed to help people,  animals or the planet.

IMG_1561[1]When I was between houses for a few months, people came to my aid left and right! And I am so grateful! I stayed with friends, I stayed with more friends and I stayed with more friends. They welcomed me and my children into their homes and adapted to having us around.


People helped me move, lots of people helped me move all my junk into a storage unit. People shared their food with me, people shared their love and support when it started getting to be a little too much being ungrounded for so long.

People were kind beyond measure.

My gratefulness abounds and I’m very happy that people are so kind. I see kindness everywhere!

Look around and notice when you see people being kind, offering a helping hand, smiling at another, and being generous. It’s all over the place!

IMG_9912[1]The more we see it, the more we continue to see it. The more we notice it, the more we continue to notice it, and then it becomes our reality.

So, see it in real life, see it in your inner garden.  Feel and imagine yourself having all the help and support that you need. Imagine you helping others and being generous, thoughtful and kind.

Pray for that. See it everywhere. What you focus on grows; it becomes your reality. This is one way to BE the change you wish to see in the world.

We can each do these seemingly small things that will help make this world a better place. Thank you for your kindness, your generosity and your loving spirit!




Ps. The first book in the Mana Gardening series is now available! Get yours here and learn our fast, easy and fun technique for going within and accessing your mana!



7 Feb

God, Please Work Your Magic!

Michelle Shine / Be Empowered


Inspiring words from a 7 year old boy, “God, please work your magic!”


This was his way of creating a certain outcome, and you know what?


It worked!


He was very focused with his eyes closed, intent on the outcome he desired (for our carton of eggs to not be all broken) while reciting three times, “God, please work your magic.”


When he opened his eyes and we looked inside the carton, only one egg was cracked, but none were broken.


I asked him where he got the idea to do that, he said God gave him the idea. (Love that!!)




We next tried it when we got locked out of the house.  I said the words, “God, please work your magic!” three times while visualizing the door opening and poof we magically got into the house!


Try it and see if it works for you and please share your experiences.  Maybe someone will be helped. Share this video and blog too! People are having a lot of fun with this wisdom from a 7 year old!




3 Feb

Mana @ work & love!

Keti / Be Empowered


@ work:

Throughout my life, I have been required to attend meetings that drone on for hours, and hours. I am sure you know the drill: your boss goes on and on about nothing.  The senseless complaints are long, the hot air is choking. The only thing that gets accomplished is a waste of your valuable time. I once sat in a two hour business meeting where our CEO explained a basketball story that went something like this.

The coach said, “Only throw the ball overhead.”

The all star player said, “If I do that I won’t make the shot.”

The coach said, “Do what I say, right or wrong.”

The team lost every game,  but they did learn how to do what they were told.

End of story.


What was the point here?

Do what I say, win or lose, right or wrong?


This pretty much sums up my career with this company:  we lost a lot of money, but our CEO got a big fat bonus every year.

Sound familiar?


Anytime I wind up in a meeting that serves no purpose, I reflect on that basketball story.

It really could be so different, it really is easier than this.


There is a simple Mana Gardening-inspired method that goes like this:

Send out an email to stating the problem.

Say, “Short meeting- each person has to present a one sentence simple solution.”

“As your boss, I will start the meeting with my solution. We will take only a few minutes to discuss solutions and choose some to try, the meeting will take less than 20 minutes.”

A CEO should be held responsible to condense the problems into one sentence statements and they should be able to present a one sentence solution to every problem.


@ love:

We should use this same simple approach.

Ever been greeted with the phrase “We need to talk”?

This statement makes me want to cry. I know we are about to play the spin our lives upside and ruin everything good about right now game.

Your loved one is unhappy and does not have a clue what is really wrong or what they really even want.

Next time you find yourself in this place, try this:

Instead of talking, think of a one sentence statement of the exact problem plus a one sentence solution.

When you find those two sentences, then ask your loved one to try the solution together.

What a wonderful world it could be…

The mind, body and soul is a garden, our actions and thoughts are like seeds, let us water the mana, and pull out the weeds.
