There is an expression “Is the glass half-full or half-empty?” that Wikipedia can’t identify who said it first. There is also the bible verse Psalm 23:5, “My Cup Runneth Over”. One thing for sure, no matter who was first in this train of thought, the optimist/pessimist pendulum has been around for a long time, and folks have been wavering side to side for centuries.

So who are you? Today, I realized one thing about my life with Mana Gardening, in doing this very simple exercise of focusing inward, and filling myself up, my happiness, and feeling of empowerment runneth over. By golly the cup is not just half full a lot of the time, more and more it is flowing over all of the time.

So when I was asked today, are you a glass half full or half empty person… I replied, my glass is always full! There was not even a moment of hesitation, or a flinch of reflection, and it felt even more empowering than I could have imagined to have these words fall from my lips spontaneously and naturally.

YES, we are the cup is always full people, and it sure feels good! Remember this Wikipedia!

Keti said it first!